In sql-server we have a function which repeats the string n number of times. Function : REPLICATE(string,int) Example : Select REPLICATE('rahul ',5) Result : rahul rahul rahul rahul rahul
Whenever you try to replicate data from a database that saves the images(filestream) in the database, and you have included those images in your replication, then you might get this error
Length of LOB data (583669) to be replicated exceeds configured maximum 65536
Hi, With the below query we can get the statictics detail of an object and drop them SELECT name, OBJECT_NAME(OBJECT_ID) AS ObjectName FROM sys.stats WHERE auto_created = 1 and OBJECT_NAME(OBJECT_ID) = '<OBJECT_NAME>'; DROP STATISTICS <OBJECT_NAME>.PrimaryKey
Below query will help to get all the active connection list in SSMS.
SELECT des.program_name, des.login_name, des.host_name, COUNT(des.session_id) [Connections] FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions des INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections DEC ON des.session_id = DEC.session_id WHERE des.is_user_process = 1 AND des.status != 'running' GROUP BY des.program_name, des.login_name, des.host_name --,der.database_id HAVING COUNT(des.session_id) > 2 ORDER BY COUNT(des.session_id) DESC